Howdy, I'm Malte.

I maintain a list of Requests for Collaboration. It's a collection of ideas/topics that I'm excited about and want to help with at some point. If you're involved with anything on the list, I'd love to talk.

I'm deeply inspired by the Heliogenesis aesthetic. It's an optimistic, green genre of sci-fi that stokes my imagination. I occasionally write about Heliogenesis and the idea of how we can build the next civilisation on my newsletter anima mundi.

Currently, I am founder and advisor. I made a special sports drink called le melo. It's like a magic potion that keeps you hydrated and feeling great, made with the planet in mind.

The world is facing some tough times with climate change, making things look a bit scary. But I believe in finding the silver lining. I'm all about coming up with smart ideas that can help fix these big problems, making sure we all have a bright future.

My job is to invent, share, and inspire cool stuff that's good for us and the Earth. I want everyone to know that even when things seem messy, there's always a chance to make things better.

I'm having a blast learning and creating new things, and I'm always on the move, living between Istanbul and Berlin, and maybe even setting up a new home to become an ambitious gardener and build a new regenerative home. Let's make the world a cooler, kinder place together!

Go to the Socials page to see where else I am on the internet.

Last updated: Nov 25, 2022